(305) 238-4367
7275 SW 124th ST.
Pinecrest, FL 33156
20 + C + M + B + 25
May Christ Bless This House
Faith Formation

Faith Formation Programs
The most exciting things to learn are those that help us grow into the people God has invited us to be – his children, living life to the full and igniting others with the love that we’ve come to know or as St. Catherine of Siena said “be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!”
Bible Study
Women’s Inter-denominational Bible Study – 2 times/year. Check out our sessions that begin January and September each year. Meet once a week for study and fellowship for 10-12 week topical studies 2 times each year.
Advent and Lenten Programs
Series to specifically enhance the liturgical seasons. Ash Wednesday Retreat, 7 Last Words of Christ, Stations of the Crib, and more. Join the mailing list to stay informed.
Book Club
Summer Book Club – join a group to read the spiritual classics, contemporary best sellers, topics to both challenge and comfort us on the journey of faith. Enjoy reading on your own and then meeting with a group to discuss what you felt, thought, learned with others on the journey.
Married Couples – Date Night!
Evenings of Reflection for married couples to enjoy dinner and an evening of fun and inspiration! Join the mailing list for upcoming dates!
Spirituality & the Arts
Programs offered throughout the year that highlight various aspects of Christian spirituality through the lens of the arts. Join the mailing list to keep up to date on all the upcoming programs and offerings.
Ignatian Immersion
St. Ignatius of Loyola is the patron saint of retreats. The Ignatian exercises can be experienced in a variety of forms – long and short retreats/programs as well as the retreat in daily life. Grow more in love with Jesus in programs that place you “with the Son.” Ignatian Immersion 16 week program begins each September. Application required.
Prayer Bootcamps – Teach Us to Pray!
Series of workshops offered throughout the year to explore a variety of methods of prayer. Join a Prayer FAM and prayer together – Center Prayer, Lectio Divina, Consecrations, Labyrinth, Soul Core, and more. Join the mailing list to find out how to join.
Walking Club
Connect to our recorded guided walks – Walk with the Saints, Lenten and Advent Walks, etc.