To Weavers Everywhere
(The Weavers, Women of the South Pacific)
God sits weeping,
The beautiful creation tapestry
He wove with such joy
is mutilated, torn to shreds, reduced to rags
its beauty fragmented by force.
God sits weeping.
But look!
He is gathering up the shreds to weave something new.
He gathers our shreds of sorrow
the pain, the tears, the frustration
caused by cruelty, crushing
ignoring, violating, killing
He gathers the rags of our hard work
attempts at advocacy
initiatives for peace, protests against injustice
all the seemingly little and weak words and deeds offered
sacrificially in hope, in faith, in love.
And look!
He is weaving them all with golden threads of
Jubilation into a new tapestry,
A creation richer, more
beautiful than the old one was!
God sits weaving,
patiently, persistently
with a smile that radiates like a rainbow on His tear-streaked face.
And He invites us not only to keep offering Him the shreds and rags of our
suffering and our work, but even more-
To take our place beside Him at the Jubilee Loom and to weave with Him the
Tapestry of a New Creation.